100 Days Of Grace & Gratitude: A Devotional Journal

Article number: 10983
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In today's fast-paced world and demanding and confusing times, it's easy to forget God's goodness and grace.

Bible journaling expert and author, Shanna Noel invites you to take a moment in your busy day to remember and reflect on God's promises, His goodness and His grace in this creative, thoughtful devotional journal. For 100 days, you'll find a short devotion for reflection and guided prayers to pray. Plus, It's a gratitude journal so there is a place for your own personal prayers, praises, thanksgiving and any creative expression that flows from your heart. This journal will leave you gratefully reminded of just how loved you are. Take time to listen to the whispering voice of God, pray and reflect on His steadfast promises and allow Him to change your life. God's promises are power for living!

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